Tracking down the cause of water tree issues in wet design high voltage subsea cables
Co-authors: Sverre Hvidsten, SINTEF; Cédric Lesaint, SINTEF; Mari-Ann Einarsrud, NTNU; Inger-Emma Nylund, NTNU; Per Erik Vullum, NTNU. Improving the subsea cables that connect…
Ocean Grid Development: Energy Market Analysis Perspectives
Energy market analysis can help steer the development of the future offshore energy system to make it less costly, more profitable and more…
Integrated infrastructure planning to increase clean energy export capabilities
Norway has the potential to become a pillar of Europe’s decarbonised energy system, but getting there will require careful, integrated planning of the required infrastructure.
How long can you get by without electricity?
Authors: Gerd Kjølle, SINTEF Energy Research, and Sigurd Kvistad, Elvia With soaring energy prices in Europe, electricity has been in the news…
Ports are the energy hub of the future
CO-AUTHORS: EIRILL BACHMANN MEHAMMER AND CECILIA H GABRIELII In the future, sea vessels will be powered by a wide range of fuel types.…
IoT based monitoring for power grid components
State of the art sensor technology and communication networks allow new ways of condition monitoring, control and maintenance in the power grid. Increasingly…