HighEFF, the Centre for creating a competitive, energy efficient and environmentally friendly industry for the future, held its Cross-sector Workshop on 20-21 October in Hell, near Trondheim. This was the Centre’s first large in-person event since the start of the pandemic.
Participants who were already present the day before the start of the Workshop got to hear presentations by 12 PhDs and post docs working on HighEFF topics.

Keynote speakers for the Workshop itself were the chair of the HighEFF Board, Arne Ulrik Bindingsbø (Equinor) and Aasgeir Valderhaug (Elkem). Bindingsbø presented a summary of Equinor’s path towards net zero emissions. This was followed by Valderhaug’s presentation of Elkem’s new climate strategy.

HighEFF centre leader, Petter Røkke, reiterated the importance of spreading the message of energy efficiency in industry “There are still many industry actors who are unaware of the potential for savings or added value through energy efficiency. One of our main goals must be to raise awareness about the issue and about our research.”
The rest of the Workshop was dedicated to updates from HighEFF’s various Research Areas. The HighEFF research centre focuses on technologies and processes with potential for large reduction in specific energy use. It will be in operation from 2016 to 2024.

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