SINTEF blog author

Daniel Albert

Daniel Albert

Senior Communications Adviser

21 blogs

Previous Blog Posts

FF Kronprins Haakon seiler i Grønlands stort sett uberørte Independencefjord, med en isbre i bakgrunnen.
This map shows the areas the GoNorth 2024 expedition plans to explore. This is plan A; sea ice conditions and unforeseen events can affect the plans. Illustration: GoNorth
Dette kartet viser de områdene GoNorth-toktet 2024 har som mål til å utforske. Dette er plan A; havisforhold og uforutsette hendelser kan påvirke planene. Illustrasjon: GoNorth
A large group of people in a room, attending a conference.
FF Kronprins Haakon på tokt i Polhavet.
Research vessel Kronprins Haakon in the Arctic Ocean.
FF Kronprins Haakon
RV Kronprins Haakon
En stor gruppe mennesker deltar i en konferanse.
NorthWind Annual Innovation Forum 2022
Participants in the LowEmission consortium days, listening to presenters.
RV Kronprins Haakon sailing through sea ice
RV Kronprins Haakon sailing through sea ice
Research vessel Kronprins Haakon
FF Kronprins Haakon
Audience at LowEmission Consortium days 2021
Participants at the 2021 HighEFF Cross-sector Workshop