The IODP Expedition 396 Experience: Drilling and Sampling the Mid-Norwegian Continental Margin
Last year, NCCS PhD candidate joined the International Ocean Discovery Programme’s Expedition 396 to recover basalts. Now, he’s starting to characterise these basalts at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI).
CCS: What is it and why do we need it?
Ever wondered why too much CO2 in the atmosphere is a bad thing, and what CCS can do about it? Ingrid Snustad, research scientist at SINTEF Energy Research and the Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS), is here to explain.
What we need to understand about fiscal metering for trading CO2
To succeed in implementing CCS at the scale needed to combat climate change, there needs to be a deep understanding of the related regulatory framework and its implications for CCS oversight. Fiscal metering impacts the entirety of the CCS value chain, and is critical for building trust and ensuring successful CO2 transactions between different parties.
CO2Datashare releases datasets from the Illinois Basin – Decatur Project
The Illinois Basin – Decatur Project (IBDP) has successfully demonstrated the safe geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) at an almost commercial scale. We are delighted to announce that a subset of the data from this unique project is now available on the CO2DataShare open access digital portal.
Mobility as a catalyst for CCS innovation and networking
To celebrate the relaunch of the NCCS Mobility Program, we spoke to Sai Gokul Subraveti about his experiences on the program and his…
The PhD Experience in NCCS
During the NCCS Consortium Days 2021, we got to speak to some of our postdoc and PhD research fellows about their experiences in…