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New method enabling the ‘direct numerical simulation’ of three-phase flow of carbon dioxide

Bloggers: Svend Tollak Munkejord, Magnus Aa. Gjennestad, Andrea Gruber, Karl Yngve Lervåg, Åsmund Ervik and Morten Hammer The IPCC Fifth Assessment...Bloggers: Svend Tollak Munkejord, Magnus Aa. Gjennestad, Andrea Gruber, Karl Yngve Lervåg, Åsmund Ervik and Morten Hammer The IPCC Fifth Assessment...

CFD simulations show that spherical particles and spheroidal particles have different trajectories when injected into an airflow (10m/s upwards) field. The initial orientation of spheroidal particles affects their trajectories.

GAFT: Progress update on entrained flow gasification

Experimental work Recently, all partners in GAFT were updated about delays in SP2 due to challenges related to process control and safety systems. The...Experimental work Recently, all partners in GAFT were updated about delays in SP2 due to challenges related to process control and safety systems. The...


CO2 capture in the European cement industry: CEMCAP framework – public and ready for use

During the TCCS9 conference in Trondheim, Mari Voldsund from SINTEF Energy Research presented the CEMCAP framework for CO2 capture from cement plants...During the TCCS9 conference in Trondheim, Mari Voldsund from SINTEF Energy Research presented the CEMCAP framework for CO2 capture from cement plants...


Digitalisation can save millions in hydropower maintenance costs

Hydropower is facing new challenges – competition in the market to provide clean energy as part of Norway’s “green transition”, and the...Hydropower is facing new challenges – competition in the market to provide clean energy as part of Norway’s “green transition”, and the...

Nils A. Røkke presenting

Join us at TCCS-9

The 9th “Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage” is held June 12 – 14, 2017, in Trondheim – Norway. The...The 9th “Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage” is held June 12 – 14, 2017, in Trondheim – Norway. The...


Open innovation from SINTEF saves millions by minimizing electrical losses in long HVAC cables connecting offshore wind farms

This blog (and cartoon!) presents an open innovation to minimize electrical losses in long HVAC export cables connecting offshore wind farms. Find...This blog (and cartoon!) presents an open innovation to minimize electrical losses in long HVAC export cables connecting offshore wind farms. Find...


Train transport of CO2 – a key to enable CCS from small European emitters?

PilotCCS is the first project in Europe that sets CO2 transport by train on the agenda. Scientists have found that train transport could have a...PilotCCS is the first project in Europe that sets CO2 transport by train on the agenda. Scientists have found that train transport could have a...

Michael Bantle in the laboratory

SINTEFs super-chilling concept goes organic

The SusOrganic project aims to improve the drying and cooling of organic products in terms of sustainability and objective product quality criteria....The SusOrganic project aims to improve the drying and cooling of organic products in terms of sustainability and objective product quality criteria....

SINTEF meets the EUs delegation to Norway

SINTEF meets the EUs delegation to Norway

The meeting took place at the SINTEF Energy Lab at Blaklia on Wednesday 28th September. Among the topics was how to leverage national research...The meeting took place at the SINTEF Energy Lab at Blaklia on Wednesday 28th September. Among the topics was how to leverage national research...

A picture blog from the opening of CINELDI and the Smart Grid Laboratory

A picture blog from the opening of CINELDI and the Smart Grid Laboratory

Wednesday 21. September our new research centre CINELDI and Smart Grid Laboratory opened. The opening coincided with the European Smart Grid...Wednesday 21. September our new research centre CINELDI and Smart Grid Laboratory opened. The opening coincided with the European Smart Grid...

Gerd Kjølle og Kjell Sand i Smart Grid laboratoriet i forbindelse med et besøk av europeiske journalister i juni 2016. Fotograf: Gry Karin Stimo/SINTEF

A major research effort into tomorrow’s digital power grids

How will a future electricity grid manage the demands of induction cooking, charging electric cars and roof-installed solar panels? The answer is...How will a future electricity grid manage the demands of induction cooking, charging electric cars and roof-installed solar panels? The answer is...


Microgrids to electrify remote off grid areas

By Henrik Kirkeby and Lena Tøfte, SINTEF Energy Research (this blog was first published on cedren.no)     The project “Intelligent energetic...By Henrik Kirkeby and Lena Tøfte, SINTEF Energy Research (this blog was first published on cedren.no)     The project “Intelligent energetic...

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