NCCS enjoys the benefit of receiving advise from a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). With an industry perspective, the TAC contributes to ensuring industry relevance in NCCS activities.
Organization and responesbility
The TAC consists of one representative from each NCCS industry partner. The committee’s responsibility is to advise on the technical work and progress in the Centre, and to provide recommendations on the R&D profile and the direction of the research on behalf of each organization.

The TAC had its first meeting on June 30, 2017, where the central issue was discussions of suggestions for Knowledge-Building Projects for Industry (KPN) proposals to be submitted by NCCS to The Research Council of Norway in the fall 2017.
Leader of the TAC is Arve Erga, TOTAL.

TAC members:
- Pål Helge Nøkleby, Aker Solutions
- Mirko R. Bothien, ANSALDO Energia
- Harald Malerød-Fjeld, CoorsTek Membrane Sciences AS
- Gudmundur Kristjansson, Gassco
- Liv Bjerge, HeidelbergCement
- Edward Jukes, KROHNE
- Stein Tollevik, Larvik Shipping
- Trym Edvardsson, Norsk olje og gass
- Johnny Stuen, Oslo Kommune
- Ola Eiken, Quad Geometrics Norway
- Kristina Wittmeyer, Shell
- Peter Zweigel, Statoil
- Arve Erga (Chair), TOTAL
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