4 November – the same day the climate agreement took effect – marked the kick-off of NCCS, our big, new research centre. Here are some pictures from the opening.
The Kick-off started with gorgeous music – Marianne Baudoin Lie on cello performed “The magic song” by Lene Grenager.
Chair Amy Brunsvold, Research Scientist, SINTEF
Amy Brunsvold kept track of the program, presented the speakers with their bios and gave us the necessary breaks to mingle.
Welcome to the Norwegian CCS Research Centre kick-off, Nils A. Røkke, Executive Vice President Sustainability, SINTEF
NCCS is one of the instruments on the path to sustainability. NCCS is international and it needs to be. He also stated that to reach the goals from the Paris agreement we need CCS.
NCCS: More than research, Gunnar Bovim, Rector, NTNU
Bovim presented that the centre is not just a research centre, but an education centre as well. “NTNU will create the necessary knowledge through hundreds of masters that will provide research competent people to the industry.”
Norwegian CCS Research Centre, Mona J. Mølnvik, Research Director, SINTEF
Mona J. Mølnvik gave great thanks to the Research Council of Norway and the industry partners – “Without you this centre would not be happening. Our partners together with the universities is the force to change the world.”
CCS in Norway – Achievements and prospects, Trude Sundset, CEO, Gassnova SF
The Paris agreement comes into force today, after Paris we see that the pace is much faster. Everyone, including the public, now believe in CCS. We welcome NCCS – because the time is now.
Opening of FME NCCS – Norwegian CCS Research Centre, Tord Lien, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Norway
To fight climate change we need to both consume and produce more efficiently, have more renewables, replace coal with gas and make CCS a reality. We need thousands of CCS projects, global deployment and cost reduction. In order to achieve this NCCS will be an important instrument.After his introduction, Lien officially opened the centre by setting of a rather creative “CO2-chain” created in the lab.
Toward a low carbon energy future, Kjetil Haugeland Helvig, Senior Vice President, Statoil
Statoil is committed to climate action and we will be a part of the solution – we aim to reduce our emissions. Oil and gas is here to stay – there is a gap between oil and gas and renewable production, here lies huge opportunities. It all comes down to cost – radical business and low carbon energy solutions.
Great expectations, Rune Volla, Department Director, The Research Council of Norway
When we meet for the NCCS final conference 2024 the goal must be: Full scale CCS has been deployed in Norway and Europe, The North Sea as the CO2 storage location is established and CCS is a widely accepted as a necessary tool to mitigate global warming. This is reflected in the cost of CO2-emmitions. Everyone knows that NCCS has played an important role in this by filling knowledge gaps with world class research, innovations that have created new jobs and industries, and excellent candidates that are ready to take industry and research into the CCS-future.
Joining forces in the energy transition, Richard Braal, Director Geoscience, TNO
Richard Braal presented storage projects from the Netherlands. He also stated this: ” We have common issues and need to solve them together, cooperations like NCCS is a must.”
Aker Solutions CCS engagement, Pål Helge Nøkleby, Business Development Manager, EOR Solutions, Aker Solutions
CCS is required to meet the climate objectives; we see no solution without CCS. Aker have the following expectations: NCCS to enable goal-oriented activities to close technology gaps and ensure deployment of CCUS on the Norwegian shelf continental without major delays.
The event ended with lunch in “Herresalen” (translates to gentlemen’s assembly room) at the Archbishop hall, a representation local from the 1200s. A guide gave a short introduction the use of the hall and the historic pictures on the walls.
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