HighEFF kick-off: Yesterday, 28 November was the opening of the world’s largest centre for research into industrial energy efficiency. The centre, called ‘HighEFF’, is being funded by the Research Council of Norway and its industry users. Find out more about HighEFF in this blog and the HighEFF website.
Trondheimssolistene opened the morning session with an energetic version of “Splitter pine” by DumdumBoys. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo
Anne Karin Hemmingsen quoted professor Arne Bredesen from NTNU who describes the keys to success as: Knowledge, friendship and teamwork. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo
State Secretary Kjell-Børge Freiberg (FrP) officially kicked-off HighEFF. He said that Research and innovation is key to achieve the goals set in the White Paper on Norway’s energy policy: Power for Change. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo
Executive Vice President Sustainability in SINTEF, Nils Røkke, presented how important energy efficiency is to reach the goals set in the Paris Agreement. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin StimoJohan Hustad, Pro-Rector for Innovation at NTNU, highlighted the importance of education in a centre such as HighEFF. He also said that previous FME-centres such as BIGCCS has succeeded to merge excellence in science and innovation. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin StimoTone Ibenholt from The Research Council of Norway has high expectations from HighEFF: on science, education and communicating the results. She also mentioned that HighEFF might be the largest centre funded by the Research Council ever, which raises the expectations accordingly. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo.Johan Hustad from NTNU, the State Secretary Kjell Børge Freiberg in the middle and Nils Røkke from SINTEF.Per Morten Schiefloe, NTNU Society Research spoke about centre innovation. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo.Roger Sørheim from NTNU spoke about how to suceed with university – indutry collaboration . Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo
Arne Ulrik Bindingsbø from Statoil spoke about energy efficiency and CO2 Challenges in the oil and gas industry. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin StimoTerje Lillebjerka from Mo Industripark spoke about energy efficiency in an industry cluster. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo.
Coffee break: Mona Mølnvik, Centre manager FME NCCS/SINTEF and Johan Hustad, NTNU. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin StimoCoffee break II: In the middle Arne Bredesen from NTNU. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo.Petter Røkke from SINTEF informed about the HighEFF General Assembly. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo.Petter Nekså from SINTEF presented the HighEFF Work plan. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo.In the workshop session, professor Truls Gundersen from NTNU spoke about the education in HighEFF. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo.
Pictures from the Group work – Work plan sessions
RA1 Methodologies: Egil Skybakmoen from SINTEF. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin StimoRA2 Components, Armin Hafner from NTNU. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo.RA 3 Cycles: Trond Andresen from SINTEF. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin StimoRA 4 Applications: Aud Wærnes from SINTEF. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo.RA5 Society: Ingrid Camilla Claussen from SINTEF. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo.RA6 Case Studies: Marit Mazzetti from SINTEF. Foto: SINTEF/Gry Karin Stimo.RA6 Group Work.RA3 Group work.
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