On 2 and 3 May, 55 participants from seven Europen countries met to discuss the progress in the ELEGANCY project at Petten in the Netherlands.
ELEGANCY, an ACT (Accelerating CCS Technologies) project, was kicked off in Brussels in October 2017. The main goal is to help fast-tracking the decarbonization of Europe’s energy system by combining two key low-carbon technologies: CCS and hydrogen.
This was the first project-wide meeting after the kick-off. The project members met at the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), now part of TNO.
ELEGANCY project members gathered in Petten, the Netherlands. Photo: An Hilmo.
During the first day, discussions were held in and between the different work packages, and a visit was paid to one of the ECN laboratories. There, the visitors could see, among other things, a facility for hydrogen production with CO2 capture using a sorption-enhanced water-gas shift (SEWGS) process. The raw material is blast furnace gases coming from the iron and steel industry.
The second day was dedicated to a plenary session with progress updates from the work packages. Project deliverables are already being published at the project homepage.
Harry Schreurs (RVO, the Dutch funding agency) addressed the delegates emphasizing the importance of communication. Photo: Svend T. MunkejordRené Schoof (Uniper) talked about low-carbon hydrogen in natural gas infrastructures. Photo: Svend T. Munkejord.André Brauner (Open Grid Europe) expressed interest in several parts of the work carried out in ELEGANCY, including case studies, law and technology. Photo: Svend T. Munkejord.Mijndert van der Spek (ETH) gave an update on the work on the H2 supply chain and H2-CO2 separation. Photo: Svend T. Munkejord.Cathérine Banet (University of Oslo) gave a progress report on the work on the business case development for H2-CCS integrated chains. Photo: Svend T. Munkejord.Diana Iruretagoyena (Imperial College London) presented work on a H2-CCS chain tool and evaluation methodologies for integrated chains. Photo: Svend T. Munkejord.Rahul Anantharaman (SINTEF) presented a regional overview of requirements and potentials of hydrogen markets. Photo: Svend T. Munkejord.Geraldine Torín-Ollarves, J P Martin Trusler and Cristina Bertulli (Imperial College London), Hans L. Skarsvåg and Åsmund Ervik (SINTEF) and Benedikt Semrau (Ruhr-University Bochum) discussing thermo- and fluid dynamical aspects of CO2 injection and storage. Photo: Svend T. Munkejord.
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