277 results for:


Nordic power system: Vulnerability analysis of HVDC contingencies

“Vulnerability analysis of HVDC contingencies in the Nordic power system”. This is the topic of a paper that was presented at the CIGRE...“Vulnerability analysis of HVDC contingencies in the Nordic power system”. This is the topic of a paper that was presented at the CIGRE...

Gunhild A. Reigstad is presenting the ELEGANCY ACT project for the ZEP Network Technology (NWT) at the EU Commission in Rue du Champ de Mars 21, Brussels. In the picture Owain Tucker, Shell, Nikki Brain and Harriet Howe from the ZEP Secretariat, Filip Neele from TNO (NWT co-chair) and Arthur Heberle, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems (NWT co-chair) pay attention.

Part 2: Presenting ELEGANCY at the ZEP Network Technology meeting in Brussels

ACT; A European initiative to accelerate CCS technologies ELEGANCY is funded by ACT, an ERA-NET Co-fund project of Horizon2020. ACT has ten partners...ACT; A European initiative to accelerate CCS technologies ELEGANCY is funded by ACT, an ERA-NET Co-fund project of Horizon2020. ACT has ten partners...


Prize for Young and Outstanding Researchers to Øivind Wilhelmsen from SINTEF

I was very, very happy and proud when I heard about the prize for Young and outstanding research awarded to Øivind Wilhelmsen. Øivind is a...I was very, very happy and proud when I heard about the prize for Young and outstanding research awarded to Øivind Wilhelmsen. Øivind is a...


Big opportunities for green urban area development in Trondheim

On the morning of Wednesday 23 August, a group of 24 people gathered at the DIGS innovation centre to discuss green energy and urban development. The...On the morning of Wednesday 23 August, a group of 24 people gathered at the DIGS innovation centre to discuss green energy and urban development. The...

Anne Karin Hemmingsen and Line Rydså

FME HighEFF Annual meeting Knowledge – Friendship – Teamwork!

The first official FME HighEFF Annual Meeting was arranged in Trondheim 19-20 June approximately a year after the allocation of research funding from...The first official FME HighEFF Annual Meeting was arranged in Trondheim 19-20 June approximately a year after the allocation of research funding from...


The Paris Agreement: We got a deal!

Deal or no deal? – We got a deal! What a victory the Paris Agreement is for French diplomacy and for the environment. We have now all seen the...Deal or no deal? – We got a deal! What a victory the Paris Agreement is for French diplomacy and for the environment. We have now all seen the...

Collage Photo Shutterstock.com

Why is SINTEF opening a Brussels Office?

22 September marks the official opening of SINTEFs Brussels Office, located in Brusselhuset, right in the heart of the city’s European Quarter....22 September marks the official opening of SINTEFs Brussels Office, located in Brusselhuset, right in the heart of the city’s European Quarter....

Norwegian wind power from a German perspective

Norwegian wind power from a German perspective

Prof. Dr. Hans-Gerd Busmann from Fraunhofer has held a residency for three months at NOWITECH, where he has been collaborating with John Olav Tande...Prof. Dr. Hans-Gerd Busmann from Fraunhofer has held a residency for three months at NOWITECH, where he has been collaborating with John Olav Tande...

SHOPping for Hydropower-value

SHOPping for Hydropower-value

Hydropower accounts for about 50 % of the electricity production in the North Pool area and 99 % of Norwegian production. It is estimated that every...Hydropower accounts for about 50 % of the electricity production in the North Pool area and 99 % of Norwegian production. It is estimated that every...


The relationship between the technical condition of components and the reliability of electricity supply  

Here are some recommendations for how transmission and distribution grid owners can use condition- and risk-based methods in asset management and...Here are some recommendations for how transmission and distribution grid owners can use condition- and risk-based methods in asset management and...

Kristina og Yosr i Baku

Refrigeration’s role in climate adaptation and mitigation

The world needs a clear plan for how refrigeration can help ensure food safety, reduce emissions and address climate change.The world needs a clear plan for how refrigeration can help ensure food safety, reduce emissions and address climate change.

En idyllisk fiskerihavn i Nord-Norge med tradisjonelle fiskebåter som ligger fortøyd langs brygga.

Decarbonising the Norwegian Fishing Fleet: Strategic Renewal for a Sustainable Future

Norway can make meaningful progress towards its climate goals in the fisheries sector by prioritising the renewal of high-emissions vessels, and...Norway can make meaningful progress towards its climate goals in the fisheries sector by prioritising the renewal of high-emissions vessels, and...

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