Introducing PANTERA: A Pan-European Technology Energy Research Approach
PANTERA is a four-year EU Horizon 2020 project that will establish a European forum of key R&D players in the fields of smart grids, energy...PANTERA is a four-year EU Horizon 2020 project that will establish a European forum of key R&D players in the fields of smart grids, energy...
Keeping solar and wind energy stored in the battery: What is the value?
Co-author: Magnus Korpås, Professor, NTNU It is expected that operation and planning of electricity distribution systems is going to make more use of...Co-author: Magnus Korpås, Professor, NTNU It is expected that operation and planning of electricity distribution systems is going to make more use of...
How we achieved more energy efficient steam drying solutions
SINTEF employees joined the Factory Acceptance Tests at ROTREX A/S headquarter in Copenhagen, Denmark to inspect the improved turbo compressors for an...SINTEF employees joined the Factory Acceptance Tests at ROTREX A/S headquarter in Copenhagen, Denmark to inspect the improved turbo compressors for an...
Industrial energy consumption is massive, but thermal storage can boost energy efficiency
In 2017, energy consumption in Norway’s onshore industrial sector was 79 TWh. In comparison, total household energy consumption in the same year...In 2017, energy consumption in Norway’s onshore industrial sector was 79 TWh. In comparison, total household energy consumption in the same year...
User Meeting for users and Developers of SINTEF Energy’s models (Hydro Scheduling 2019)
Co-authors: Mari Haugen and Linn Emelie Schäffer The user meeting hydro scheduling 2019 has come to an end. For two days, 13.-14. March, the users...Co-authors: Mari Haugen and Linn Emelie Schäffer The user meeting hydro scheduling 2019 has come to an end. For two days, 13.-14. March, the users...
FME Innovation Task Force – 5 recommendations for more innovation in energy research
The concept of “saving the world” has become part of our everyday challenge. We are continually reminded by scenarios and reports on climate...The concept of “saving the world” has become part of our everyday challenge. We are continually reminded by scenarios and reports on climate...
The 1st Nordic Conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings to be held in Trondheim
The first Nordic Conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings will be arranged in Trondheim, Norway, November 6-7 2019. The conference will...The first Nordic Conference on Zero Emission and Plus Energy Buildings will be arranged in Trondheim, Norway, November 6-7 2019. The conference will...
SET Plan Conference 2018: Europe needs to invest more in clean energy R&I. The risk is low and the return is high.
This was originally an Input statement by Dr. Nils A. Røkke, Chair EERA at the Opening Session – SET Plan Conference 2018, 20. November 2018 in...This was originally an Input statement by Dr. Nils A. Røkke, Chair EERA at the Opening Session – SET Plan Conference 2018, 20. November 2018 in...
Energy Modelling workshop and 5th Pyomofest
Guest blog: Magnus Korpås, NTNU Pyomofest From October 3rd -5th 2017, we arranged the 5th workshop on the open-source optimization modeling language...Guest blog: Magnus Korpås, NTNU Pyomofest From October 3rd -5th 2017, we arranged the 5th workshop on the open-source optimization modeling language...
Nanocomposites increase reliability and endurance of electrical insulation systems
The electrical insulation system is “the heart” of every electric power component. If the system suffers from a catastrophic failure, the main...The electrical insulation system is “the heart” of every electric power component. If the system suffers from a catastrophic failure, the main...
2018 – the year of engagement for the Energy Union- and that’s YOU actually
The Vice-President of the European Commission, Maroš Šefčovič is in charge of the Energy Union. He has designated 2018 as the year when the energy...The Vice-President of the European Commission, Maroš Šefčovič is in charge of the Energy Union. He has designated 2018 as the year when the energy...
Energy storage is the “next big thing”
The future isn’t only about how we succeed in producing the cleanest energy possible, but also about achieving more efficient energy storage....The future isn’t only about how we succeed in producing the cleanest energy possible, but also about achieving more efficient energy storage....