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#Energy Grid/Smartgrids

Protecting the real electrical grid by attacking a simulated one

In an increasingly digital society, protecting the electrical grid against cyberattacks has never been more important. As part of the European project SDN-microSENSE, SINTEF has helped develop tools to detect and mitigate cyberattacks, but they need to be tested before they can be deployed in the real grid. The solution? Deploy the tools in a simulated grid and launch real cyberattacks at them.

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#Energy Grid/Smartgrids

New pilot measures the actual capacity in the grid

What is the available capacity in a given power line right now, and what is the available capacity going to be in the next 48 hours? Do we have enough capacity, or do we have to employ measures like decreasing load or increasing production? These are central questions in a newly established pilot project within the FME CINELDI research centre.