SINTEF will attend the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, also known as COP26, from 31 October to 12 November.
We are increasing our participation at the climate summit because we recognize that the required solutions to the climate challenges, demands extensive international collaboration between businessess, governments and the scientific community.
During COP26, SINTEF will host several events and our leaders and researchers will also be part of other events on the program. Here is an overview of some of the activities where you can meet us. Note that the times are GMT time.
Do you want to get in touch with someone from SINTEF in connection with COP26? Contact communications director Anne Steenstrup-Duch. Phone 900 96 295, email:
Alexandra Bech Gjørv, CEO of SINTEF, will be at the climate summit from Monday 1 November to 3 November.
Alexandra Bech Gjørv, President and CEO, SINTEF
Alexandra Bech Gjørv will:
- Lead the lauch of SINTEF Global Climate Fund, 2. November (Will be streamed)
- Join a panel at an Aker Offshore Wind-event, 2. November 15:00
Nils Røkke, EVP Sustainability in SINTEF will be in Glasgow from Monday 1 November to 4 November, and from 8 November until 10 November.

Nils Røkke will
- Join the panel at the event The role of CCS in reaching net zero by 2050, 4. November 16:00 (Will be streamed)
- Contribute to the event hosted by UN Global Compact: «An Ocean Evening at COP26», 4. November 19:00
- Present three recommendations at «The North Sea as a springboard for the green transition» 9. November kl 13.00 (Will be streamed)
- Discuss Nordic Climate Neutrality and Market Mechanisms, 9. November 16:00.
- Talk about green shipping at an Aker Clean Hydrogen event, 10. November 10:00.
John Olav Tande, Chief Scientist and centre director for FME NorthWind will attend COP26 Tuesday 9 November and 10 November.

- John Olav will join the scientific panel at «The North Sea as a springboard for the green transition» 9. November kl 13.00 (Will be streamed)
Edel Sheridan, Senior business developer and battery expert will join COP26 from Monday 8 November until Friday 12 November.

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