The Trondheim CCS Conference is a world leading scientific CCS technology conference, gathering more than 400 CCS-experts from all over the globe every other year.

TCCS-11: Where experts meet
The 11th TCCS instalment will feature world leading keynote speakers and present the latest and highest level research and development within the CCS value chain. From CO2 capture to transport and storage. Work undertaken within both R&D institutions, universities and industry will be presented
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Since 2003, the conference has developed to become a globally important meeting place for over 400 CCS experts. TCCS-11 builds on the heritage of the previous conferences with 150 oral presentations, five or six parallel sessions, over 100 posters and.
TCCS-11 June 21-23, 2021, Trondheim, Norway. Hold the date now, we want to see you there!
Important dates
2020-11-01: Call for abstracts
2021-02-01 : Registration opens
2021-02-01: Submission of abstracts
2021-03-25: Notification of authors
2021-04-09: Early bird registration closes
We certainly hope to see you in Trondheim next year!
Best regards from,
The TCCS team
The Conference is hosted jointly by SINTEF and NTNU, and is organized by the Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS).
Conference secretariat: An Hilmo (
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