This year’s winner of the Bioenergy Innovation Award was Prediktor Instruments, who received the prize during the FME CenBio Final Conference at Ås Campus on 13-14 March 2017.
The Award acknowledged one of the company’s recent innovations: their instrument Spektron Biomass, measuring moisture content in wood chips in an efficient, fast and accurate manner using near infrared spectroscopy (NIR).

In their argument the jury emphazised that “The winner’s effort has given birth to an instrument for the fast and accurate measurement of moisture in biomass fuels. The current 48-hour method can now be replaced by a new procedure that only takes a couple of minutes. This novel technology enables its users to set quality standards, directly contributing to a more professional bioenergy sector“.
Bioenergy Innovation Award
The Award is a Norwegian national innovation prize within stationary bioenergy, introduced by FME CenBio in 2011. The candidates have been assessed by a committee consisting of representatives from the Research Council of Norway, Norsk Bioenergiforening (Nobio), Innovation Norway, Enova, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and SINTEF. Find more information about the Award.
Concluding 8 years of research and innovation
FME CenBio – Bioenergy Innovation Centre – organised its Final Conference at Ås Campus on 13-14 March 2017, concluding 8 years of research and innovations on bioenergy. More than 80 participants attended the event to hear from CenBio’s researchers and industry partners. International experts offered their knowledgeable views on bioenergy in their respective countries and insights on upcoming trends and possible developments.

As stated in the CenBio Final Report and pinpointed by the conference moderator Trond Værnes from the Research Council of Norway: “Together with key bioenergy user partners, CenBio research laid the foundations for a modern way of utilising biomass that many others will build on for years to come.”
CenBio has created value for industry
Hosted by NMBU and led by SINTEF in a successful collaboration, the FME CenBio launched with 19 user partners and 7 R&D partners in 2009. Partly financed by the Research Council of Norway, CenBio created considerable value for industry thanks to the focus on stationary bioenergy and the main goal to enable sustainable and cost-efficient bioenergy.
The CenBio Final Report and more information on FME CenBio can be found on

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