Cyber security was the theme in a joint workshop in CINELDI and SFI NORCICS.
Scientists from CINELDI presented activities and results from their research on cyber security in cyber-physical electricity grids (Smart Grid), and scientists from NORCICS, presented their demonstrators planned to start or started related to the electricity grid.
CINELDI is a centre for environment-friendly energy research (FME) while NORCICS (Norwegian Centre for Cybersecurity in Critical Sectors) is a Centre for Research-based Innovation (SFI).

“We want to create a space for mutual learning and exchange of experiences, and to facilitate for discussions on possibilities for cooperation, center director at CINELDI, Gerd Kjølle, said.
About 40 persons, both scientists and representatives from user partners, were present at the workshop. Bjørn Tore Hellesøy from KraftCERT was one of the participants:
“At KraftCERT, we try to keep up with what’s happening in research on critical infrastructure. That’s why a workshop where we can meet both CINELDI and NORCICS is a perfect fit.”
He believes it is important to have more knowledge about how businesses can protect themselves against cyber threats.
“This is important for many businesses – including small and medium-sized ones, which constitute the majority in Norway. Cybersecurity a new concept to many people, and we must try to take advantage of the advice and knowledge that comes from research and apply it,” says Hellesøy.
He points out that we need practical tools that make businesses better equipped to work well with cybersecurity.
Andre Jung Waltoft-Olsen from Statnett pointed out that competence about cyber security is important; it’s hard to protect yourself against something you don’t know enough about.

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