Film boiling and rapid phase transition of liquefied natural gas
In his doctoral work at NTNU, Eskil Aursand studied what happens if ice cold liquefied natural gas (LNG) comes into contact with, relatively…
NCCS – The value of bringing the CCS world together
No country, no business, no institute can do CCS on their own, James Johnson said on the first day of GHGT-14. And Jérôme…
Updates from the Mont Terri experiment: Studying Caprock and Fault Sealing Integrity
The geological storage of CO2 is an essential component for enabling the efficient generation of emission-free hydrogen (H2) as a transport fuel. The…
NCCS Hosted the 12th Annual IEAGHG CCS Summer School (June 2018)
NCCS was pleased to have hosted the 12th IEAGHG CCS Summer School in Trondheim, with 58 students from 24 countries. Broad range of topics…
5G enabling digitalization of the distribution grid
Guest blogger: CINELDI/NTNU PhD student Handunneththi V. Kalpanie Mendis To make the distribution grid smart it must be based on low-latency and high-reliable bidirectional…
The SINTEF Brussels’s office: A powerful tool to generate H2020 proposals
Are you interested in generating H2020 proposals and you have not been yet at our SINTEF’s Brussels office? Do not wait any longer,…