Understanding the Physics of Ocean Structures with SIMA
Offshore structures like floating oil platforms, wind turbines, and fish farms are subject to loads from wind, waves, and current. Understanding the physics…
Faster simulations of floating wind turbines with shared mooring
Floating offshore wind (FOW) is pivotal in Europe’s energy ambitions. Nevertheless, there is a pressing need to decrease costs. A significant material and…
The quest for a cost-efficient offshore grid
Harnessing the potential of offshore wind will require large investments in an offshore grid. Optimising this system can lead to huge savings.
Sørlige Nordsjø II auction: How long will 23 billion NOK last?
Norway’s first offshore wind auction was successfully completed under an agreement where the state guarantees a stable price for the developers. The total subsidy limit is at NOK 23 billion. How will this work and how long will it take to reach the limit? We did the math for you.
EERA DeepWind offshore wind R&I conference holds successful 21st edition
The 2024 edition of the EERA DeepWind offshore wind R&I conference took place 17-19 January in Trondheim, gathering about 300 scientists, experts and…
COP28: Making offshore wind a pillar of the decarbonised energy system
Developing offshore wind to the level required to meet climate goals will require a concerted research effort by the international community, to help bring down costs and ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable way.