Open-access CO₂ data is essential for accelerating CCS deployment
In order to limit the impact of global warming, we urgently need to reduce our CO2 emissions. Technology for capturing CO2 at a large scale…
CO2Datashare releases datasets from the Illinois Basin – Decatur Project
The Illinois Basin – Decatur Project (IBDP) has successfully demonstrated the safe geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) at an almost commercial scale. We are delighted to announce that a subset of the data from this unique project is now available on the CO2DataShare open access digital portal.
CO2DataShare Releases Smeaheia CO2 Storage Dataset
CO-AUTHORS: ODD ANDERSEN, PHILIP RINGROSE (EQUINOR), AND KARI-LISE RØRVIK (GASSNOVA) Interest in CO2 storage continues to grow following the announcement of Norway’s Longship…
Sharing CO2 Storage Data to Fast-Track CCS Development
CO2 DataShare is a digital laboratory aimed at accelerating deployment of CCS by allowing researchers to use the best available data to advance…
CO2 storage data consortium starts a new project for data sharing
This blog with contributions from Sallie Greenberg (University of Illinois), Philip Ringrose (Statoil) and Odd Andersen (SINTEF). Sharing of reference datasets from pioneering…