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The Road to Zero-Emission Rail
Co-authors: Line Skeidsvoll and Andreas Dypvik Landmark Electric cars are today being deployed in ever greater numbers across the developed world, and in…
Unleash the Power of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): Tackling Greenhouse Gases in Shipping
In 2015, the Paris Agreement set an ambitious goal for nations worldwide: to collectively fight against climate change and constrain the global temperature…
Increasing the pace of decarbonization with industrial flexibility
Instead of building new grid, utilizing flexibility in industrial processes could be a cheaper and faster way of integrating variable power production.
Tracking down the cause of water tree issues in wet design high voltage subsea cables
Co-authors: Sverre Hvidsten, SINTEF; Cédric Lesaint, SINTEF; Mari-Ann Einarsrud, NTNU; Inger-Emma Nylund, NTNU; Per Erik Vullum, NTNU. Improving the subsea cables that connect…
How can control engineering save birds in wind farms?
In this blog post, we introduce a new concept that prevents bird collisions with rotating blades of wind turbines using control engineering.
Future HVDC grids – yes please, but what is the price tag?
Offshore HVDC grids will be a crucial part of the future energy system – Knowing what they cost is a crucial part of planning them.