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Reliable insulators
Insulators and associated parts are key components that determine the reliability of the power distribution system. Reductions in electrical and mechanical functionality represent…
Houston: Do we have a problem?
This week I am spending in Houston, Texas, in a workshop open for the 23 signatories of the Mission Innovation initiative. Mission innovation…
A question of power: the politics of kilowatt-hours
A new article published in the open access journal reveals the complexity of energy efficiency in energy clusters (industry and building complexes).…
Hydropower and fish: reporting on a Brussels workshop
Previously published at Increased awareness of ecological issues in rivers with regulated water flows calls for better international understanding about how the…
Work-shop: How should we communicate CCS?
NCCS has a major responsibility to communicate the research results in scientific publications, but public outreach and participation in the public debate is…
Cost network – Reducing the cost of future CCS
High cost are currently one of the key barriers to the commercial implementation of CCS, and to help reduce the costs of future…