EERA DeepWind’2017 was the 14th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference held in Trondheim, Norway.
The conference was organized by the research parties in NOWITECH in cooperation with the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) joint programme on wind energy and NORCOWE. The event aimed at presenting the best on-going R&D on deep sea offshore wind farms, both bottom fixed and floating.
Below follows some photos from the conference opening, poster session and closing. In between the opening on Wednesday and the closing session on Friday there was parallel sessions covering:
- New turbine and generator technology
- Met-ocean conditions
- Operations & maintenance
- Installation and sub-structures
- Experimental Testing and Validation
- Grid connection and power system integration
- Floating wind turbines
- Wind farm optimization
Opening session
Poster session
Closing session
Best poster based on “Scientific Content”
Optimization of data acquisition in wind turbines with data-driven conversion functions for sensor measurements, L. Colone, Maik Reder, Jannis Tautz-Weinert, DTU Denmark. The picture shows poster award winner (L. Colone, middle) together with conference chair John Olav Tande, SINTEF (left) and co-chair prof. Trond Kvamsdal (NTNU).
Best poster based on “best communication”
New Foundation Models for Integrated Analyses of Offshore Wind Turbines, A.M. Page, NTNU. The picture shows poster award winner (A.M. Page, middle) together with conference chair John Olav Tande, SINTEF (left) and co-chair prof. Trond Kvamsdal (NTNU).
Full program for the conference
Photos: SINTEF/Zahra Rahimi
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