Robots as co-workers
Are robots going to steal our jobs? This may seem like an irrelevant question, but in fact it lies at the heart of…
How the tide turned on plastic
It wasn’t until World War II that plastic products began to be mass-produced as they are today. The war accelerated the need for…
Notes from a SINTEF anthropologist in Malawi
As researchers, our aim is to understand the world a little bit better. Knowledge and understanding is the foundation for any development. For…
Norwegian reflections on EU’s new research programme (FP9)
Yesterday, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise – NHO, Statoil and SINTEF visited Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Moedas, Mr António Vicente and his Cabinet expert…
A question of power: the politics of kilowatt-hours
A new article published in the open access journal reveals the complexity of energy efficiency in energy clusters (industry and building complexes).…