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#Energy CCS

Studying Salt Structures in Australia to Enable CO₂ Storage in Norway

Siân Evans is a postdoc with the Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS) at the Department of Geosciences at the University of Oslo. In September 2023, she travelled to South Australia through the NCCS Mobility Programme to study exposed onshore salt structures as part of the effort to enable long-term subsurface CO₂ storage.

#Energy #Society

What is in the waste bin?

The composition of your waste bin is greatly affected by the availability and convenience of sorting options.  Understanding the factors that influence our…

#Energy Energy efficiency

How to put a stop to energy waste?

The HighEFF research centre is in its last year of financing by the Research Council of Norway, but there is still a lot of low-hanging fruit to be picked in the field of energy efficiency in industry. How can we best leverage that potential in Norway? That was the topic of the HighEFF 2024 Conference.