Advancing research through the education of master’s students at FME CINELDI
FME CINELDI is at the forefront of research on the future distribution grid. One great way to help move our research initiatives forward is through the education of master’s students with topics related to the CINELDI sphere.
Buy renewable electricity from your neighbor, but at what price?
Buying electricity from your neighbor’s solar panel is quickly becoming reality, as electricity sharing schemes for distributed renewable electricity are realized through local energy communities. Alongside this new and exciting option arises the question: “what should the price be?
Cyber security in cyber-physical electricity grids
Cyber security was the theme in a joint workshop in CINELDI and SFI NORCICS.
New pilot measures the actual capacity in the grid
What is the available capacity in a given power line right now, and what is the available capacity going to be in the next 48 hours? Do we have enough capacity, or do we have to employ measures like decreasing load or increasing production? These are central questions in a newly established pilot project within the FME CINELDI research centre.
How to estimate flexibility potential of household appliances? (To reduce peak load)
Due to the ageing distribution network infrastructure, the increasing integration of renewable energy generation and the increasing customer load demand, the need for…
Energy Modelling workshop and 5th Pyomofest
Guest blog: Magnus Korpås, NTNU Pyomofest From October 3rd -5th 2017, we arranged the 5th workshop on the open-source optimization modeling language Pyomo…