Two new students to NCCS Task 9
Johnathon Osmond (PhD) and Mark Mulrooney (Postdoc) joined the NCCS Task 9 team in the autumn of 2017. Both will contribute to NCCS…
We welcome two new students to NCCS Task 1
NCCS Task 1, CCS Value Chain and Legal Aspects, is happy to announce that Dr. Ozgu Turgut and Vegard Skonseng Bjerketvedt have started in the Centre as a postdoctoral researcher and PhD candidate, respectively.
NCCS and Fortum Oslo Varme work towards clean district heating through CCS technology
Fortum Oslo Varme produces and distributes district heating for the Oslo region. The heat is produced by burning waste, which releases an enormous…
Work-shop: How should we communicate CCS?
NCCS has a major responsibility to communicate the research results in scientific publications, but public outreach and participation in the public debate is…
First NCCS Board Meeting
The first NCCS Board meeting took place in Trondheim on April 27, 2017. Naturally, this meeting focused on “start-up” issues. Chairman of the…