The new project ELEGANCY – Enabling a Low-Carbon Economy via Hydrogen and CCS was kicked off 19—20 October in Brussels. As the name indicates, the project will investigate how hydrogen production can be accomodated in a CO2-capture, transport and storage (CCS) system, thus reducing CO2 emissions. SINTEF and the 20 other project partners from seven European countries think this is an elegant solution.
Accelerating CCS Technologies
ELEGANCY is one of eight new ACT (Accelerating CCS Technologies) projects funded by national funding agencies and the European Commission. ACT is a Horizon 2020 initiative coordinated by the Research Council of Norway.
ELEGANCY will perform scientific research on selected topics within hydrogen-CO2 separation and CO2 transport, injection and storage.
To enable application of this research, ELEGANCY will develop an open-source design tool for fully integrated hydrogen-CCS chains.
The project will also study
- legal issues
- business development opportunities
- public perceptions of CCS
Case studies
The findings, technologies and tools developed in the project will be applied to case studies in the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Switzerland and UK. The main goal of the cases studies is to identify cost-effective opportunities for CCS coupled with hydrogen in each of these countries, taking the national situation into account.
I am eager, and humble, to take on the task as coordinator of such an interesting and challenging project, with so many strong partners from academia and industry. The project is scheduled to run for three years, and the total budget is about 15 million euros. Further details can be found on the project homepage.

All photos: SINTEF/Svend Tollak Munkejord
As a comments please look for the “Alternative CCUS Infrastructure Pathways” at page Opportunities.
Thank you.
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