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Is aluminium electrolysis using inert anodes a blind alley?
The Hall-Héroult process, patented in 1886, is currently used universally for the smelting of primary aluminium. Since then, of course, many improvements have…
Microgrids: What are they, virtual impedance and a control concept for inverters in islanded microgrids
Due to the desire to shift towards a more sustainable energy system, new renewable energy sources are being integrated in the distribution grid,…
Industrial energy consumption is massive, but thermal storage can boost energy efficiency
In 2017, energy consumption in Norway’s onshore industrial sector was 79 TWh. In comparison, total household energy consumption in the same year was 49…
ELEGANCY WP3: Joint workshop on CCS risk sharing and business model selection
Guest author: Dr Ward Goldthorpe, Sustainable Decisions Limited. On 14 March 2019, Work Package 3 (WP3) of the ELEGANCY-project held a joint workshop…
Electric vehicles in Norway and the potential for demand response
Changing to non-emission transport can result in approximately 1.5 mill. private electric vehicles by 2030, resulting in an energy need of 4 TWh.…
Demonstrating technology for better air traffic management
In recent years the air traffic delays in Europe has increased quite a lot, and last summer we experienced many delayed flights resulting…