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Demonstrating biomass to bio-jet fuel at Technoport
Bio-jet fuel: Today I brought a cool gadget to Technoport 2016: a burner assembly for the new gasification reactor. Pretty soon we will have a unique…
New Stationary Sub Programme Leader: EERA Bioenergy
EERA JP Bioenergy Press Release: Dr Berta Matas Güell has been elected as the new leader of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA)…
CO2 transport requires quantification
Bloggers: Svend Tollak Munkejord, Morten Hammer and Sigurd W. Løvseth Many things are known about CO2 transport, e.g., that it is feasible and…
Make EU industry less energy intensive and more competetive
In the development of the revised SET plan, “Towards an Integrated Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan“, 10 key actions has been identified in…
Technology that removes CO2 from the atmosphere
You may as well learn the expression “carbon-negative technology”, or Bio-CCS, right away, because it has become a talking point in technological circles.…
How Quality of CO2 IMPACTS its transport and storage properties?
This was the topic of the final dissemination event from the EU project IMPACTS. IMPACTS is a pan-European research project where researchers from…