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How the National Smart Grid laboratory in Trondheim can help de-risk power exports from wind farms located far offshore
Offshore wind farms are being commissioned at an ever-increasing rate and are expected to play a significant role in supplying energy to Europe…
Reliable insulators
Insulators and associated parts are key components that determine the reliability of the power distribution system. Reductions in electrical and mechanical functionality represent…
Houston: Do we have a problem?
This week I am spending in Houston, Texas, in a workshop open for the 23 signatories of the Mission Innovation initiative. Mission innovation…
A question of power: the politics of kilowatt-hours
A new article published in the open access journal reveals the complexity of energy efficiency in energy clusters (industry and building complexes).…
Hydropower and fish: reporting on a Brussels workshop
Previously published at Increased awareness of ecological issues in rivers with regulated water flows calls for better international understanding about how the…
Work-shop: How should we communicate CCS?
NCCS has a major responsibility to communicate the research results in scientific publications, but public outreach and participation in the public debate is…