I am very pleased to announce EERA DeepWind’2016, 13th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 20 – 22 January 2016.
Organized by the research parties in NOWITECH in cooperation with the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) joint programme on wind energy and NORCOWE, this international event aims at presenting the best on-going R&D on deep sea offshore wind farms, both bottom fixed and floating. Be part of it and issue your abstract now for oral or poster presentation.
(…) this international event aims at presenting the best on-going R&D on deep sea offshore wind farms
- Deadline for abstract submission: 15 October 2015.
Please send your one or two page (A4) abstract in English as a Microsoft Word or Acrobat pdf file by e-mail to deepwind@sintef.no using the template: Deepwind2016_Format sample abstract.
Preparation of full papers is optional. These will go through a full peer-review and successful submissions will be published on-line in Energy Procedia (Elsevier). There will be an award for best poster.
More info and registration at http://www.sintef.no/deepwind2016.
I am looking forward to see many of you there. Please distribute this invitation to colleagues as you see fit.
PS1: limited number of seats (max 200), register well in advance.
PS2: if you don’t know about Trondheim, check out pictures and travel info at visitnorway.com
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