EERA JP Bioenergy Press Release:
Dr Berta Matas Güell has been elected as the new leader of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) Bioenergy Sub Programme focusing on stationary bioenergy including:
- Industrial and municipal combined heat, power and cooling (CHPC);
- Residential/domestic heating and cooling, including micro-CHP;
- Utility multifuel operation.
The EERA Joint Programme for Bioenergy consists of five Sub Programmes (SP) focusing on biomass thermochemical processing, biochemical, biofuels from algae, sustainable biomass and stationary bioenergy.
From January 2016 onwards, Dr Matas Güell who is based at the Brussels office of SINTEF (Norway) takes over from Michael Becidan of the same institution who has successfully led this SP since 2012.
Berta brings with her a wealth of experience in bioenergy, with responsibilities such as:
- Centre Coordinator for the Norwegian Bioenergy Innovation Centre CenBio (Environment-friendly Energy Research Centre);
- Coordinator for the “National bioenergy shadow group” in Norway;
- Research Manager for the bioenergy and biofuels research group at SINTEF Energy Research, leading a team of fourteen researchers and research assistants;
- Project manager of large national competence building projects within bioenergy and biofuels;
- Active involvement in highly relevant international strategic activities and coordination of national research activities within bioenergy:
- International Energy Agency (IEA), Task 39;
- European Energy Research Alliance (EERA Secretariat);
- European Biofuels Technology Platform (EBTP, RHC);
- National research forum arenas (Energi21, Skog22).
She has authored/co-authored 20 leading journal papers. Berta will be leading the EERA Bioenergy SP on stationary bioenergy for the next two years.
“My main objective is to help improve the competitiveness of stationary bioenergy for different scales, technologies and systems and its role in a wider bioeconomy context,” commented Berta on the announcement of her new role within the EERA Bioenergy programme. She continued, “It will also be necessary to revise the priority scientific research areas within the stationary bioenergy SP according to market needs and strategic decisions in Europe.”
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