With the four keynote lecturers presented below, the plenary program of TCCS-9 is complete. We are confident that this year’s keynote sessions – together with the many oral and poster presentations – will give attendees an excellent overview of status, challenges and opportunities in terms of CCUS.
You can take a look at the (still preliminary) program here.
If you still have not yet registered for the conference, your possibility is here and now, and you can find more information on the conference web.
Hoping to see you in Trondheim!
Niall Mac Dowell, Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London
Dr. Niall Mac Dowell is a Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London. He is a Chartered Engineer with the Institution of Chemical Engineers and is on the Executive Board of the IChemE’s Energy Centre, a member of the Technical Working Group of the CCSA and the ZEP on industrial decarbonisation and a member of the UKCCSRC. He currently leads the Clean Fossil and Bioenergy Research Group which is focused on technology development for climate change mitigation and has published work at the molecular, process and network scales in this context. He has given advice to DECC, the IEA, the ETI and the JRC and has travelled on behalf of the Foreign Office to China and Korea to promote low carbon power generation. He was awarded the 2010 Qatar Petroleum Prize and the 2015 IChemE Nicklin medal for research excellence in low carbon energy.
Glen Peters, Senior Researcher, CICERO Center for International Climate Research
Dr. Glen Peters has been a Senior Researcher at CICERO for more than eight years. Previously he was a post-doctoral researcher at the Industrial Ecology Programme at NTNU. Dr. Peters is a worldwide authority on socio-economic drivers of greenhouse emissions, both past and future. He has performed pioneering work on how international trade intricately connects emission drivers in different countries, twice received the Environmental Science & Technology Best Policy Paper Award (2007, 2009). In the last five years, research has focused on decomposing trends in carbon emissions, socio-economic drivers of change, and future emission pathways at the global and country level (particularly China and India). Increasingly, his research is on future emission pathways. He has developed a methodology to track progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement, and is investigating methods to assess the feasibility of emission pathways consistent with low temperature targets. Other key research areas include emission metrics and the global carbon cycle. Dr. Peters is on the Scientific Steering Committee of the Global Carbon Project.
Mona J Mølnvik, Research Director Gas Technology, SINTEF Energy Research
Dr. Mona J. Mølnvik has a PhD within Mechanical Engineering from NTNU and is Research Director for Gas Technology, SINTEF Energy Research. She is has been with SINTEF for 20 years. Mølnvik has been active in CCS research since early 2000. She was central in developing, leading and expanding the centre of excellence, FME BIGCCS – International CCS Research Centre (2009-2016) to becoming one of the largest CCS R&D efforts worldwide. Further, she has been involved in several EU-projects. Mølnvik has been central contributor to development of strategies for CCS, and she was the first Leader of the CO2 transport initiative of EERA JP Carbon Capture and Storage. Mølnvik is the Director of the newly started Centre of Excellence FME NCCS – Norwegian CCS Research Centre.
Arvid Nøttvedt, CEO, Christian Michelsen Research AS
Dr. Arvid Nøttvedt holds the position as CEO of Christian Michelsen Research AS. He is a geologist (PhD) by training, with abundant experience from oil & gas industry research, exploration, field development and operations in Norwegian offshore as well as internationally with Norsk Hydro. His scientific production includes a number of publications and editorial contributions, among others the awarded book on the geology of Norway, Making of a Land. A former coordinator of the EU project Integrated Basin Studies – Dynamics of the Norwegian Margin under the DG IIX: Joule II Geoscience Programme, and currently the Manager of the Norwegian FME centre SUCCESS on CO2 storage. Nøttvedt also has broad experience in setting up and leading large research projects and teams.
9th Trondheim Conference on
CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage – website
Contact: Project Officer An Hilmo
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