The BIGCCS Centre has since 2009 worked to enable sustainable power generation from fossil fuels based on cost-effective CO2 capture, safe transport, and underground storage of CO2. On October 26 and 27 the results from the centre was presented during the final conference.
October 26
Welcome, Rune Aarlien
Rune Aarlien, the BIGCCS Centre Project Manager, welcomed the participants to the Final Conference. He referred to the 8 years of BIGCCS operation as “the fastest 8-year period in his life”. Then he took us back in time by showing a video with the opening of Centre by the Norwegian Prime Minister at that time, Jens Stoltenberg.
BIGCCS in perspectiveNils A. Røkke, Executive Vice President Sustainability, SINTEF
Nils A. Røkke, the BIGCCS Chairman, talked about BIGCCS in perspective to the global climate challenges. He pointed to the Paris Agreement, and stated that CCS is going to be key in achieving the 2/1.5 degree goal.
NTNU role and contributionsJohan E. Hustad, Pro-Rector Innovations and Director Strategic Research Area Energy, NTNU
Johan E. Hustad presented NTNU and NTNU’s role and contributions to BIGCCS. He gave an overview of the large amount of PhDs educated through BIGCCS, and emphasized the importance of a combination of education, research and innovation.
Statoil’s position in CCSPer Ivar Karstad, Project Manager, Statoil ASA
Per Ivar Karstad talked about the role of CCUS in a 2 degree scenario world from Statoil’s perspective. CCS is an important part in Statoil’s 2 degree scenario. Statoil thinks CCS is feasible, but that the costs must be reduced.
The Norwegian full-scale CCS projectKristin Myskja, Assistant Director General, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
Kristin Myskja presented the Norwegian full-scale CCS project. She emphasized that a full-scale CCS plant in Norway will contribute in reducing risks and improving technologies for coming projects globally.
The FME scheme – 8 years of experienceÅse Slagtern, Special Adviser, Research Council of Norway
Åse Slagtern presented experiences from the FME scheme. She mentioned several strengths of the current 11 FMEs, and remarked that BIGCCS has been particularly good in international cooperation.
TOTAL learnings from BIGCCS and outlookArve Erga, Head of Production Technology Research, TOTAL E&P Norge
Arve Erga thanked the BIGCCS researchers for the effort and cooperation over the last eight years. He highlighted several examples of BIGCCS work that TOTAL has found particularly valuable.
BIGCCS in 6 minutesMalin Torsæter, Senior Researcher, SINTEF Petroleum
Malin Torsæter presented “BIGCCS in 6 minutes”. She was able to cover a great amount of highlights of BIGCCS during that short time period.
Introduction – BIGCCS paving the way for large-scale CO2 storage Grethe Tangen, Senior Researcher, SINTEF Petroleum Research
The ambition of the storage sub-program is to underpin deployment of CCS by maximizing CO2 storage capacity, minimizing uncertainty of CO2 storage and improving the business case by enabling CO2 EOR. Over the eight years, the eminent team of researchers together with industry partners have made great contributions. This was stated by SP leader Grethe Tangen when introducing the session on CO2 storage. Research institutions involved are BGS, GEUS, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory together with NTNU and SINTEF.
Pressured by saturation and uncertainty? Monitoring helps! Peder Eliasson, Research Manager, SINTEF Petroleum Research
Task Leader Peder Eliasson, responsible for the monitoring activities in BIGCCS, presented significant achievements important for improving CO2 storage safety by accurately localizing the CO2 plume, quantifying CO2 volumes and enabling early detection of potential leakage. The research is conducted mainly by BGS, NTNU and SINTEF using data and experience from the industry projects Sleipner and Snøhvit.
Geomechanics, the libero player: From capacity estimate to monitoring via near-well integrity Pierre Cerasi, Research Manager, SINTEF Petroleum Research
Pierre Cerasi, task leader of CO2 containment, pointed out geomechanics as the safe-keeper of CO2 containment. He summarised new knowledge and experimental methods developed to prevent three possible integrity breach mechanisms: along injection wells, failure of sealing caprock and fault reactivation. Stress concentration and increase can lead to rock failure and thus should be confidently determined to set limits on pressure increase.
Geomechanical issues associated with CO2 storage reservoirs Sohrab Gheibi, PhD student, NTNU
PhD student Sohrab Gheibi followed up by explaining the effect of fault deformation on the stress changes and showing that, based on his PhD work, it is possible to predict the fracture initiation as well as fracture propagation. New code enables modelling of the time-dependent behavior of fractures or faults to ensure long-term stability, highly relevant for storage safety and capacity for CO2 EOR.
Avoiding CO2 leakage through active and abandoned wells Malin Torsæter, Senior Researcher, SINTEF Petroleum Research
Malin Torsæter, the leader of well integrity, pointed out that wells are structures of cement and steel and not just holes in the ground. New knowledge is generated and innovative methods on well cementing and cement bonding are developed to avoid that the wells become the weakest link of the CCS chain. Also, the task has advanced knowledge on how to make wells more robust to thermal variations and CO2 exposure.
Large-scale CO2 storage – The art of safely fitting cubic kilometres of CO2 into tiny rock pores Alv-Arne Grimstad, Senior Researcher, SINTEF Petroleum Research
Task leader Alv-Arne Grimstad, illustrated what large-scale storage of CO2 means: If 200 Mt CO2 is captured in Europe and stored in the North Sea at atmospheric conditions, it would represent blanket 2.5 m thick covering Denmark. Luckily CO2 can be compressed and the volume reduced by factor of more than 300. However, to maintain safety both structural and stratigraphic trapping are essential. The task has brought new knowledge on how much CO2 can be safely injected without compromising caprock integrity and has addressed how storage capacity can be managed safely through water production. Also, BIGCCS has advanced understanding of convective mixing as trapping mechanism and shown that residual trapping can contribute significantly even on short time scales.
CO2 Transport – achievements summary Task 2.1 and 2.2 Svend Tollak Munkejord, Chief Scientist, SINTEF Energy Research
Svend Tollak Munkejord at SINTEF Energy Research has led the sub programme on CO2 transport since the start in 2009. He emphasized that in order to reduce risk in CCS projects, quantitative knowledge is needed. He presented a coupled fluid-structure model predicting running-ductile fracture in CO2-transport pipelines, and accurate thermophysical data for CO2-rich mixtures.
BIGCCS, Gassco and CO2 transport Svein Solvang, Principal Engineer, Gassco
Svein Solvang described how the knowledge generated in BIGCCS has been used in technical CO2-transport studies conducted by Gassco. He also stated that with this knowledge, system design can be made less conservative.
October 27
Introduction – BIGCCS paving the way for CO2 capture Partow P. Henriksen, Research Manager, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry
Sub-Program Leader Partow Henriksen introduced sub-project capture, and reflected the fact that BIGCCS has created an arena for scientists from different backgrounds to meet and generate innovative ideas.
Dynamic modelling at TCM Nina Enaasen Flø, Process Engineer, Technology Centre Mongstad
Nina Enaasen Flø, as an earlier PhD candidate in BIGCCS, talked about dynamic modelling of CO2 capture by amine absorption technology. She is currently working at Technology Centre Mongstad, and introduced the DOCPCC project at TCM.
Efficiency and cost of CO2 capture from the Natural Gas Combined Cycle – NGCC Kristin Jordal, Senior Researcher, SINTEF Energy Research
Task Leader Kristin Jordal talked about efficiency and cost of CO2 capture from the natural gas combined cycle, applying various capture technologies and Exhaust Gas Recirculation. The results from amine capture, membrane, and calcium looping technologies were compared.
Fabrication and development of ceramic membranes for pre-combustion CCS Jonathan Polfus, Researcher, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry
Task Leader Jonathan Polfus talked about fabrication and development of ceramic membranes for pre-combustion CO2 capture technology. He introduced the successful fabrication and characterization of these membranes, using the ECCSEL facilities at SINTEF, Oslo.
Development of model burner with distributed hydrogen fuel injection: from idea to laboratory Andrea Gruber, Senior Researcher, SINTEF Energy Research and Peter Kutne, Researcher, DLR
Task Leader Andrea Gruber talked about H2 combustion gas turbines and their challenges. He introduced the development of model burner with distributed hydrogen fuel injection. Peter Kutne from DLR explained the experimental activities on distributed hydrogen injection concept.
Oxy-Combustion – Chemical Looping Combustion Nils Erland Haugen, Researcher, SINTEF Energy
Task Leader Nils Haugen talked about Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) technology, as an oxy-combustion CO2 capture technology. He showed a video of the up-scaled CLC operation at Tiller, which demonstrated a 98% of CH4 conversion, a very promising result.
Toward demonstration of Natural gas fired Oxyfuel power plant Mario Ditaranto, Research Manager, SINTEF Energy Research
Task Leader Mario Ditaranto talked about the development of a natural gas fired oxy-combustion power plant. In BIGCCS, the pilot oxy-combustion burner (HIPROX) is been designed and tested. DEMOXYT (an ECCSEL infrastructure) is under construction, and this rig will demonstrate the oxy-combustion power plant.
A Tool for Integrated Multi-criteria Assessment of the CCS Value Chain Amy Brunsvold, Researcher, SINTEF Energy Research
Amy Brunsvold, spoke about the methodology and the iCCS tool for CCS value chain analysis. This tool – developed within the BIGCCS Centre – has been shared with the industrial partners of the centre.
Illustration of the benefits of a value chain analysis tool through a cement case study Simon Roussanaly, Researcher, SINTEF Energy Research
Task Leader Simon Roussanaly presented how the iCCS tool can be used to provide valuable understanding on the CCS chain and help reducing costs and uncertainties of CCS deployment.
Integrated techno-economic assessment for membrane-based CO2 capture Rahul Anantharaman, Researcher, SINTEF Energy Research
Task Leader Rahul Anantharaman spoke about the value of integrated techno-economic assessment in order to reduce costs and accelerate the deployment of emerging CO2 capture technologies. This was presented through the example of the collaborative works performed between BIGCCS Task 1.5 and SP4 on membrane-based capture.
Achievements of the Academia sub-program Truls Gundersen, Professor, NTNU
NTNU Professor Truls Gundersen, leader of the academia activity of the centre, presented how the academia process has gone beyond expectation and has been extremely efficient.
Conclusions and final remarks Mona Mølnvik, Research Director, SINTEF Energy Research
Mona Mølnvik summarized keys points from the final conference presentation and emphasized how all Sub-Programs from the Centre has brought CCS forward by developing new knowledge and understanding. Finally, Dr. Mølnvik thanks all BIGCCS contributors for their fruitful participation in the centre.
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