COP28: Why we need carbon dioxide removal
Drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions won’t be enough to achieve the goals in the Paris agreement and reach net-zero emissions by 2050. We will also need to remove excess greenhouse gases, in particular CO2, from the atmosphere and oceans. This is known as “carbon dioxide removal” (CDR).
More matter with less art: on Hamlet and the lack of real climate action
Is it not a tragedy that humanity has so far been unable to curb its greenhouse gas emissions? If we are to mitigate global warming and meet our climate goals, we need to put an end to our paralysis of action, and demand more financial and regulatory support for climate technologies. But will we be able to do it? That is the question…
ACCSESS: A Technology Collaboration for Carbon Dioxide Removal
In order to mitigate global warming we need to limit man-made CO2 emissions. One way of reducing emissions from fossil sources is to…
CEMCAP-Project: Tech options for cement CO2-capture need a plant specific assessment
The Horizon2020 project CEMCAP on CO2 capture from the cement industry is coming to an end. In CEMCAP, five CO2 capture technologies from cement…
CEMCAP: CO2 capture from cement production made possible with multiple capture technologies
CO2 capture from cement production is possible, there are several possible capture technologies, different technologies can be suitable for different cement plants, but…
CO2 capture in the European cement industry: CEMCAP framework – public and ready for use
During the TCCS9 conference in Trondheim, Mari Voldsund from SINTEF Energy Research presented the CEMCAP framework for CO2 capture from cement plants that…