
Environmental Assessment of the Cold Flow Technology

What are the environmental impacts of using cold flow technology to transport hydrocarbons? In this article, I will discuss this question based on research from my PhD project. A bit of background The latest OG21 strategy document has outlined that after 2030, the production of Norwegian  offshore oil and gas fields will increasingly be dominated by new fields. Due to …

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Rendering of a subsea pipeline with an opening in the side that shows its contents

Turning the corner: Emission cuts as a precondition to oil and gas activity

Read our interview with Gunnar Lille, from OG21, about how decarbonisation is now taking the centre stage for the oil and gas industry.

Beyond the shelf: 3 ways LowEmission innovations will benefit industries beyond oil & gas

From 2019 to 2026, the LowEmission research centre will develop new technology and concepts for offshore energy systems and integration with renewable power production technologies. The overarching target is to reduce offshore greenhouse gas emissions from operations on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, but the centre's innovations will benefit industry far beyond oil and gas. "Together with CCS and hydrogen/ammonia technologies, …

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Collage showing a subsea cable on the left and hydrogen tanks on the right.

New hydrogen research centre

LowEmission gets a new sibling: the HYDROGENi research centre will focus on hydrogen and ammonia as a solution for decarbonisation. This is exciting news, given LowEmission's ongoing research in that same field.

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Using offshore wind to cut oil & gas emissions

Emissions cuts in oil and gas production are possible if we do it with offshore wind. As a bonus, this will kick start the Norwegian offshore wind industry.

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Centre Director: Malin Torsæter

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