The final stretch of CEMCAP – 7 presentations and 5 posters at the 14th Greenhouse Gas Technologies Conference, Melbourne, Australia
CEMCAP is a project funded by Horizon 2020 addressing CO2 capture from cement production. The primary objective of CEMCAP is to prepare the…
CEMCAP-Project: Tech options for cement CO2-capture need a plant specific assessment
The Horizon2020 project CEMCAP on CO2 capture from the cement industry is coming to an end. In CEMCAP, five CO2 capture technologies from cement…
The SINTEF Brussels’s office: A powerful tool to generate H2020 proposals
Are you interested in generating H2020 proposals and you have not been yet at our SINTEF’s Brussels office? Do not wait any longer,…
Apply now: Free Access to Leading European Smart Grid Laboratories!
The EU H2020 research project ERIGrid addresses the absence of an integrated approach for analysing and evaluating complex configurations in Smart Grids by…
A letter from the world’s hottest geothermal well
Researcher from SINTEF have made a PT (pressure and temperature) logging instrument for extreme environments. The instrument is part of the H2020 project…
GATEWAY H2020-project: ‘Exceptional results with significant, immediate impact’
I am very proud to tell you all that the H2020 project GATEWAY was delivered this summer – with great success! I received…