Studying Salt Structures in Australia to Enable CO₂ Storage in Norway
Siân Evans is a postdoc with the Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS) at the Department of Geosciences at the University of Oslo. In September 2023, she travelled to South Australia through the NCCS Mobility Programme to study exposed onshore salt structures as part of the effort to enable long-term subsurface CO₂ storage.
As above, so below: studying above-ground rock masses to better understand underground fractures
In 2023, Senior Research Scientist Pierre Cerasi (SINTEF Industry) spent a month in Argentina, at the invitation of the Y-TEC Research Centre. The aim of the stay was to study above-ground rock masses as a way of exploring how fractures form and spread underground. An improved understanding of fracture networks can result in an improved selection of CO2 storage locations and contribute to mitigating leakage risk.
COP21: Storing carbon dioxide under the North Sea
COP21 is the annual UN conference on climate and climate change. This year’s COP meeting is in Paris from 30th November to 11th…