The EERA DeepWind ‘2016 Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Conference was a success with a mix of plenary presentations with broad appeal and presentations in parallel sessions and posters on specific science and technology themes.
The conference is established as an important venue on deep sea offshore wind R&D organized in association with the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) joint programme on wind energy. The aim is to present the latest and best on-going R&D on deep sea offshore wind farms.
In total 56 oral and 67 posters were presented addressing new turbine and generator technology, grid connection and power system integration, met-ocean conditions, operation & maintenance, installation and sub-structures, wind farm optimization, online technology transfer network for wind energy research and numerical reference wind farms.
The presentations and posters from EERA DeepWind’2016 Conference are now available at the conference website EERA DeepWind’2016 whereas selected papers are now in peer-review for publication in the open access journal Energy Procedia (Elsevier).
Mark your calendars: The next EERA DeepWind conference will take place in Trondheim, 18 – 20 January 2017.
Find out more about SINTEFs’ research on ocean wind.
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