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Tailor-made molecules for increased CO2-EOR efficiency
Injection of CO2 into oil fields can increase the amount of oil produced (CO2-EOR), while at the same time storing large amounts of…
Fiscal metering – the need for traceability
For future large-scale CCS, traceable flow measurements are required. For instance, currently, the only pan-EEA/EU incentive for CCS is the emission trading scheme…
Saving the cold for later: Decoupling supply and demand
Blogger: Håkon Selvnes, PhD student at NTNU working on the HighEFF project Energy efficiency is a challenge. Due to large variations in the…
Fruitful research visit to MIT related to low emission H2 production
SINTEF Industry recently published a study on the interaction between CO2 molecules and the surface of BaZrO3 – a membrane material utilized in…
One step closer to implementation of oxyfuel technology in the European cement industry
Guest bloggers: Marco Lindemann Lino (VDZ) and Johannes Ruppert (ECRA) Reducing CO2 emissions from the cement industry with oxyfuel technology Climate protection is…
Digitizing grid data for a future-proof SmartGrid
The future electricity distribution system will include new intelligent devices and flexible resources (such as solar and wind energy), resulting in new load…