Marie Bysveen from SINTEF started her keynote talk at the TCCS-8 conference by stating that we do see a clustering of research in Europe. And that this clustering is essential for Europe to maintain its competitive edge.
The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) is the most efficient measure for alignment of European energy research. Aim of the joint program for CCS, is that CCS is an integrated part of the H2020 program and the SET plan.
An example of excellent research across borders is BIGH2. Here ALSTOM, SINTEF and DLR work together in the effort of developing hydrogen turbines for pre-combustion capture. The project is funded both by the CLIMIT program in Norway the CORETEC program in Germany.
Marie also presented the two new EU H2020 projects Gateway and CEMCAP coordinated by SINTEF Energy Research. Marie ended her talk by stating announcing that a new ERA NET Co-fund proposal for CCS was submitted May 5th. This will be a great possibility for us to respond with high quality research and collaborative skills towards our common climate challenge Marie said.
We need to start this now!
Frederic Hauge, the founder and president of the Bellona Foundation said in his keynote talk that it will be 70% more expensive to reach the climate targets without CCS.

We can create 330.000 jobs in Europe related to CCS. It is so much more expensive not doing anything about it. Europe is lacking behind, but there are promising projects as Peterhead in UK, ROAD in The Netherlands and in Norway the Norcem Heidelberg in Brevik and the Oslo municipality’s plan for CCS in incineration combustion. Bellona is now heavily involved in CO2 storage focusing mainly on injectivity to be able to estimate the storage capacity. UK is active working on how to develop a business case for CO2 storage.
It is a big shame how we in Norway are lacking behind. We need to start this now! he said.
Bellona is also interested in new ways of producing biomass, including using the ocean biomass. 10 Gigatonnes of CO2 can be removed from the atmosphere every year by BIO-CCA. Frederic ended his talk by stating that we are re-vitalizing CCS again.
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