Representatives of the NorthWind consortium were assembled in Trondheim today for the Centre’s very first in-person Annual Innovation Forum. This is an occasion for scientists and representatives from the industry to update each other about wind power, particularly offshore wind.
The day started with a music performance by pianist Peter Knudsen from NTNU. Then, Espen Forsberg Holmstrøm, from the Research Council of Norway, presented an overview of the Council’s Centres for Environment-friendly Energy program (via videoconference).
This was followed by an address by Centre director John Olav Tande, who gave an outline of the current state of wind power research and development across the world. He explained how NorthWind and its research partners are working together to solve research challenges.

The programme the went on with a series of keynote speeches by industry representatives. Knut Styve Hornnes, from Statnett, explained how the integration of large amounts of wind power to the energy system will require both more grid, and a better flexibility in the grid.

Then, Björn Mo Östgren, from NorthWind partner organisation Statkraft, highlighted the importance of consultations in the development process, and of innovations in sustainability.

Odd Erik Gundersen, from Aneo, talked about the potential of using digital technologies for predictive maintenance of wind turbines.

The Annual Innovation Forum is also the occasion to catch up with the research activities of our scientists and PhD candidates. Several of them presented posters about their work.

PhD candidate Florian Stadtmann (NTNU) presented both his poster, titled “Enabling Technologies for Digital Twins” and a virtual reality digital twin visualisation.

PhD candidate Birgitte Nygaard (NTNU) presenting her work with a poster titled “Framing of Norwegian Wind Energy Futures”.

Senior Research Scientist Xiaobo Ren (SINTEF), presented a poster update of the work of NorthWind’s Structures and Integrity work package. Posters were also presented for all of the other four work packages of the Centre.

During the afternoon, research scientists from the various work packages of NorthWind presented updates about their work. The leaders of the Technology Transfer Committee, Inger Marie Malvik (SINTEF), and of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Trond Kvamsdal (NTNU), also provided updates about their respective committees’ activities.

The next big gathering in offshore wind research will be the EERA DeepWind conference, which celebrates its 20th edition 18-20 January, in Trondheim.
This article was originally posted on the NorthWind website.
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