SINTEF Energy Research, NTNU and NORDICCS project is arranging a CCS Summer School on August 10-15 for 30 students from all the 5 Nordic countries. Everyone is welcome to the public lectures.
The course will cover the complete CCS chain from capture, transport and storage to framework issues such as financing, public acceptance, political and legal issues. The course will include lectures from well-known climate scientists talking about the need for CCS as well as CCS experts.
The public lectures are helt by Per Espen Stoknes, BI climate psychologist talking about climate psychology: “How to build public support for climate policy” as well as Kikki Flesche Kleiven from the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research at University of Bergen talking on Climate Changes and Nils Røkke from SINTEF will be talking about”CCS plays a role in the climate solutions to be discussed at the COP21 meeting”. These talks will be open to SINTEF and NTNU employees and the general public as well. Find out more about the program here.

All the public lectures will be at NTNU Campus, PFI – Høgskoleringen 6b, 5th floor Trondheim
- Tuesday, 11. August: CCS Overview, incl. Steps to large scale deployment & Status of CCS projects, Nils Røkke, SINTEF
- Wednesday 12. August: Climate Changes, Kikki Kleiven, University of Bergen
- Thursday 13. August: Climate Psychology: How to build public support for climate policy, Per Espen Stoknes, BI Norway
The summer school is an important tool in building CCS expertise. In order to achieve CCS deployment there is a need to integrate public information with education and outreach. Successful implementation will require hiring, training and retaining a large workforce of skilled professionals to design and operate facilities in order to enhance Nordic industry competitiveness. The positive synergies and benefits from Nordic collaboration on CCS implementation have been shown by the good results from the NORDICCS project. This illustrates the importance of Nordic networking.
The course has a distinct industrial focus that will be ensured by involving lecturers from industry as well as the site visits on Day 1. The first visit will be to the CO2 capture test facilities at the NORCEM cement plant in Brevik where the students will be able to view the ongoing testing of technologies for CO2 capture from cement production. The second is to Yara’s fertilizer production facilities in Porsgrunn where they will be able to view CO2 handling in practice. NORCEM and Yara are the two facilities highlighted in the recent Gassnova report to be potentially full-scale CO2 capture opportunities in Norway. This will give the students a good start of the course by being able to experience how an industrial CCS facility operates. The students will produce a Nordic CCS roadmap – Accellerating CCS in the Nordic region as part of the exam to obtain 3 credit hours.
The summer school is funded by:
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