After six years of operation, BIGCCS has established a solid foothold as a leading research and innovation center in CO2 capture, transport and storage (CCS).
BIGCCS contributes in important arenas. The FME scheme has offered a unique opportunity to develop a platform for collaboration across disciplines and between industry players and research institutions, nationally and internationally. BIGCCS has generated new knowledge and technology, and has contributed impact and visibility on the international arena. Chairman of the BIGCCS Board, Mr. Nils Røkke is for instance heading the EERA Joint Program CCS. This is an important arena for coordination of Europe’s research on CCS. The Center partners are active in developing solutions for industry through CLIMIT demo projects coordinated by Gassnova.

We also see that research partners in BIGCCS participate in, and manage, major international CCS initiatives, especially in the EU framework programs. BIGCCS has in 2014 contributed to a new application for infrastructure funding under the auspices of ECCSEL. The Center has significant support from Norwegian and international industry. This confirms the relevance BIGCCS has, and constantly works to protect.
19 innovations
In BIGCCS we systematize information on innovation activities, and in 2014, 19 innovations were registered and classified according to Technology Readiness Level 2-5 (TRL). The TRL level describes the maturity of the technology. We strongly believe that these 19 innovations will be further developed, and that many will represent an important part of tomorrow’s CCS solutions.
An example of an innovation is a numerical tool for control of fracture growth in a pipeline for transport of CO2. Current tools are based on empirical data from full-scale tests done on natural gas pipelines. These methods are not performing well enough when the medium transported is CO2 or CO2-rich mixtures.
By use of a highly accurate numerical model, which combines input from advanced thermodynamics and flow, material, and fracture models, fracture growth can be monitored with high and sufficient accuracy for most pipeline transportation systems. The model developed in the BIGCCS project can be applied in cases where the operating conditions of a pipeline is changed, or in the design phase for new pipelines. The model is a good candidate for a commercial product.
High activity level
BIGCCS has up to now contributed 400 scientific publications, 86 of which were published in 2014. Researchers from BIGCCS were represented with 19 conference papers at the GHGT-12 conference held in Austin, Texas in October 2014. We are extra proud that our BIGCCS Board member, Professor Hallvard Svendsen (NTNU) won the prestigious Greenman Award this year.
BIGCCS has employed 30 doctoral candidates and post docs, and of these, 16 have completed their work. Those not yet finished are progressing according to plan.
The BIGCCS Scientific Committee had its 2014 meeting in connection with GHGT-12 conference in Austin, Texas. The committee is chaired by Professor May-Britt Hägg (NTNU). Together with the other members of the committee – who are leading professors within CCS from the US and Germany – she continues to give the Center very valuable scientific and strategic advice.
During 2014 BIGCCS expanded its activities with three new CLIMIT-supported premium (KPN) projects. Previously six such CLIMIT projects have been amended to the consortium agreement.
2014 also saw increased efforts on external communication. A new website was established and a blog is included. In addition, the newsletter is now out in electronic version. The annual report 2013 was well received, and we now look forward to making a new for 2014.
The 8th Trondheim CCS Conference
For those looking forward to the 8th Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS-8), it is a pleasure to announce that it will be held June 16-18, 2015. The conference is established as one of the premier international scientific conferences in CCS area. Deadline to submit extended abstracts is January 31
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