Coauthor: PhD Marianne Terese Steinmo, NORD University
Nord University are connected to RA5 Society in HighEFF, where they contribute with research on barriers and enablers for collaborative innovation processes. Nords HighEFF representatives were co-organizer and participants at the workshop: The Future of Conducting and Publishing Research in Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management and Strategy, at the Bologna Business School, 22nd – 24th May 2019.
Editors from leading journals within the field of innovation and entrepreneurship were present in the workshop to engage in conversations with early-career researchers. This included feedback on working papers to convert them into journal publications, as well as general discussions of the future of research and publishing.
The thematic of the workshop was research on entrepreneurship, innovation management, and strategy, which all are rapidly growing fields of research, each with unique possibilities to understand and help solve pressing societal issues related to e.g., environmental sustainability and economic development. In addition to organizing the workshop, the representatives from Nord presented and discussed their research on university-industry collaboration, with data from Centres of Environment-friendly Energy (FME scheme). These discussions contributed with valuable insights on how to increase international valued knowledge in the field, and how to get published in leading innovation journals.

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